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Tre Lune Wild Yam Cream - The Hormone Balancerl

As recommended by Barbara O'Neil and and made by her daugher.

Wild Yam has been used in traditional herbal medicine to balance the hormones and restore the natural dance of progesterone, oestrogen and testosterone.

Wild Yam contains Diosgenin, a naturally occurring plant steroid that stimulates the body to produce progesterone, the great mother and balancer of all the hormones. Applying Wild Yam Cream in the typical cycle of when progesterone levels normally rise and peak can help support the body in making progesterone. 

Wild Yam cream, applied to soft sensitive areas of the skin is absorbed through the pores of the skin, by the fat cells, and taken into the body. 

Hormonal imbalance symptoms and the havoc that can they can cause to our wellbeing and lifestyle is well known. Symptoms of imbalance can include; menstrual cramps and discomfort, depression, anxiety, mood swings, unexplained weight loss or gain, loss of libido, dryness, fatigue, bloating, spikes in body temperature, infertility, to name a few.

When our body makes more progesterone, levels of testosterone and oestrogen will then be brought into balance. 

Our Wild Yam cream also includes Chaste Tree and Dong Quai, two additional balancing and supportive herbs, all in a luxurious blend of oils to nourish the skin.

See Care and Quality page for ingredient breakdown here.

See FAQ for more information here.

Wild Yam General Use
The first day of your period is always "Day 1"
From day 1 to day 7, do not apply the cream. From day 8 apply two pumps, morning and night, alternating between neck, decolletage, breasts, inner upper arms, belly, and inside of thighs.
Use twice daily until your period starts, then re-start the cycle as above.

Wild Yam Cream for Irregular cycle/ Perimenopausal 
If you are unsure of your cycle and when to begin, count the day you start as "Day 8", commence applying cream, morning and night as above, for general use.
Stop on day 28, or if/when your period starts.
Take a break from applying the cream from day 1 to day 7, then restart the cycle as above.
If your period doesn't arrive on day 28, stop use for 7 days and recommence from day 8 as above.
If your period arrives early, stop, count the day as day 1, wait 7 days, and from day 8 apply cream as above.

Wild Yam Cream Menopause and Post Menopause

Start by creating your own cycle. Use a calendar or journal to keep track.  The first day you apply the cream, mark as day 8. Apply am and pm, until day 28. Take a break for 7 days and reapply from day 8 -28 and repeat monthly.

Apply one pump of cream to the inside of your wrists at any time to assist the body if experiencing symptoms such as hot flushes, headaches, sleeplessness, or night sweats.


Use as per general use if period is regular, or as per irregular cycle if period is yet to become regular.


Wild yam can be beneficial for men of any age. Stimulating progesterone production in the body can result in balancing testosterone levels. Apply cream am and pm, without any cycle or breaks. 

To make Wild Yam more effective, the Laws of Health are indispensable:
S - Sleep, get plenty of restful sleep before midnight.
U - Use of water, drink on rising, before every meal and throughout the day.
S - Sunshine, start with short periods, always in the times of day with lower UV.
T - Trust in a Higher Power.
A - Abstain/avoid any substances or activities that are harmful to your body.
I - Inhale deep belly breaths, through your nose, of fresh pure air.
N - Nutrition, an abundance of fresh, whole, nutrient dense foods.

M - Moderation in all things, seek balance.
E - Exercise, movement is life.


Wild Yam Cream

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